Welcome to St Albans Art Society!

Our history can be traced for well over a century, and we are proud to contribute and play a role in the historical life of this cathedral city and district. We bring together people who share a deep interest in art, its history and its influence, but above all our mission is the encouragement of artistic development, whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced artist keen to advance your skills even further.

We hold workshops and life drawing sessions within a friendly atmosphere, as well as inviting professional artists to visit us and demonstrate their skills in all media. See our programme. We are proud to hold a renowned exhibition of the work of our members each summer, which we describe as our flagship event.

New and existing members are warmly welcomed!

Membership Renewals

Membership renewal for the 2024-2025 year is due 1 October. Please ensure your membership is renewed by completing the renewal form on the membership page and by paying your annual subscription. Now is a great time for new members to join.

Next Life Drawings:

No booking required for Life Drawing. Members can just turn up. 

January 22, 19:30-21:30

January 29, 19:30-21:30

February 13, 13:30-15:30 - Charles Morris Hall, tutored

February 19, 19:30-21:30 

Plein Aire Sessions

Dates are subject to weather. Plein Aire sessions are free. You do not need to be a member to participate. 

Next dates: 

1 February (indoor venue tbc)

3 March (indoor venue tbc)

1 April, Verulamium Park

Workshop: Portraits in Acrylics or Oils

Tutor: Gary Spencer

25 January:

Members only £35. Booking and more information.

Workshop: Massai Warriors

Tutor: Jake Winkle

1 March

Members only £35. Booking and more information.

Workshop: Landscape in Mixed Media

Tutor: Chris Forsey

22 February 

Now Fully booked.  More information.